Kpop Idol, Girls Generation (SNSD) personnel, Sooyoung took part in the drama series TVN 'The 3rd Hospital'. The first time acting in a drama, Sooyoung had confessed to panic.
Sooyoung act as, Lee Ui Jing, a student who learned to play violin in Germany. She then falls in love with Kim Seung Hyeon (played by Oh Ji Ho).
"When I first stood before the cameras to film the first time, I really panicked," said Sooyoung drama at a press conference on Wednesday (01/18/2012).
But it was faced Sooyoung. Moreover, added the help of fellow personnel who consistently supported by the other members of Girls Generation (SNSD).
"They (SNSD) gave me lots of support. They visited the set and take vitamins to be distributed to staff. Because I like the support they have tremendous energy," she concluded.
Sooyoung act as, Lee Ui Jing, a student who learned to play violin in Germany. She then falls in love with Kim Seung Hyeon (played by Oh Ji Ho).
"When I first stood before the cameras to film the first time, I really panicked," said Sooyoung drama at a press conference on Wednesday (01/18/2012).
But it was faced Sooyoung. Moreover, added the help of fellow personnel who consistently supported by the other members of Girls Generation (SNSD).
"They (SNSD) gave me lots of support. They visited the set and take vitamins to be distributed to staff. Because I like the support they have tremendous energy," she concluded.